Grief Recovery is an action-based, powerful, directed approach to healing from life's deepest heartbreaks.
The Grief Recovery Method is a programme of guided self-help for anyone who has experienced a loss due to the death of someone important in their life, the end of a relationship, or one of over 40 significant life events that evoke grief.
A course consisting of between six to eight sessions teaches you how to let go of the pain, so you are able to enjoy your positive memories and lead a happier life.
Mary Boyce is a Grief Recovery Method Specialist, based in Leinster, Ireland. She has also taken the Advanced Online Grief Recovery Method Specialist training and can deliver Grief Recovery services online.

What is the Grief Recovery method?
The Grief Recovery Method has helped people all over the world to move beyond bereavement, divorce and other losses.
It all began with one grieving father, John W. James, who struggled to cope with the loss of a beloved son in 1977.
In this video, he reveals his own story of recovery, and shows how you can begin yours.
how do i Get Started?
Small Steps
The Grief Recovery Method will be able to help you take those small but significant steps to help you deal with the unresolved losses in your life. It is not easy to be honest but with your work, open-mindedness, willingness and courage it is a proven way to be able to move beyond your loss. It is proven because it is the only evidence based grief programme in the world.
Start With A Confidential Chat
Maybe you have been wondering will I ever feel better/happier/peace or maybe you are scared (that’s perfectly ok), then please contact me for a chat.
Remember, the longer you wait, the longer it will take to feel better.
you are not broken
Grief is the most natural and emotional response to loss but at the same time, it is also the most misunderstood and neglected emotion experienced by grievers and those around them.
It can also be described as the conflicting emotions we feel caused by the end or to a change in a familiar pattern of behaviour. An example of this would be the sense of relief you feel that your loved one’s pain is over but at the same time you will no longer be able to see them. That’s how complicated grief is.
Because grief is about a broken heart, comments like ‘at least you were there in the end’ or ‘don’t be sad, you can have another child/pet’, never help. This is because while they are intellectually correct they are emotionally useless.
As a result of these comments/ideas, the griever often feels confused and isolated. This is on top of the grief they are already feeling. It’s almost like adding a stone for each loss into your bag pack as you live your life. With each loss or grief that happens the loss just builds up. The more that’s added, the more weight and sadness you feel.
The Grief Recovery Method helps you take the bag pack off your back, take each stone out, assessing if you really want to hold onto it any more and by the end of the programme your backpack and heart will be much lighter, enabling you to live the rest of your life the way you want to.
“It is OK to feel sad, and to talk about your feelings.”
so many kinds of losses
There are over 40 different kinds of losses that leave us hopeless, broken and devastated. The Grief Recovery Method can help with them all … here are examples of just some of them.

Loss of Health

Loss of Faith

Death of a Pet

Loss of Career

Loss of Identity

Divorce or Separation

Loss of Safety

Estrangement of Family Members

Empty Nest or Retirement
lifting the weight of grief
It’s not surprising then that so many people are carrying around the weight of grief with them every day, without realising it and how it affects the way they live their lives.
The good news is that the Grief Recovery Method can be applied to all of these losses and can be used again and again for any future loss you will encounter.
Recovery doesn’t mean dusting yourself off and forgetting what happened. It also does not mean disrespecting the memory of anyone or that the damage never existed.
“It is OK to feel sad, and to talk about your feelings.”
Instead, it is claiming your circumstances instead of your circumstances claiming you and your happiness.
It is acknowledging that it is ok to feel sad from time to time and to talk about these feelings, irrespective of how those around you react.
The Grief Recovery Method will be able to help you take those small but significant steps to help you deal with the unresolved losses in your life. It is not easy to be honest but with your work, open-mindedness, willingness and courage it is a proven way to be able to move beyond your loss.
It is proven because it is the only evidence based grief programme in the world.
Grief Recovery For You
Community Talks
Come to one of my talks, where you can hear more about the Grief Recovery Process and how it can work for you. You can bring a friend for support.
Group Sessions
Now that you understand how Grief Recovery works, join one of my six-week group programmes, where we work together to begin to recover from our own grief.
Individual Sessions
If you’re ready to take the next steps, and would prefer to take this grief recovery journey privately with me, please get in touch right away. I’m here for you, when you need me.